Google Analytics, my favourite (free) web stats package is to undergo a major redesign. Hooray. This is fantastic news. I love Google Analytics, I think it’s a great piece of arsenal for any website but, I can fully appreciate that for new users it can be massively overwhelming.
How to convince your friends, family & clients to start blogging
I recently sat in a pub and tried to convince a good friend of mine why they could/should blog. Their point of view was that they couldn’t fathom why anyone would want to read what they had to say. My point is that everyone has something interesting to say but, they don’t necessarily know what
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How to be an eco-friendly web designer
Global warming is a very real issue and changing your attitude and activities to reduce your carbon footprint is easily done at home (i.e. turning off your TV instead of pressing standby) but is it possible to be an environmentally-friendly web designer?
How to explain RSS to your friends, family & clients
RSS is something I use everyday for my own personal use that speeds up my use of the internet tenfold. Sadly, most people outside the industry still haven’t cottoned on to it yet. So I’m going to try help you to explain it to them.
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Why are ticket selling websites so poor?
This Sunday morning saw us jaunting to the easyInternet opposite Tottenham Court tube station for the mission of obtaining Glastonbury tickets. I love going to see bands but I despise giving my money + extortionate booking fee + high postage price (or in some cases you have to pay to have the tickets emailed to
Bouncing back from confidence issues
This time, 3 weeks ago I was suffering from a massive crisis of confidence regarding my web development abilities, but this week the tables have turned and my confidence levels couldn’t be higher. Funny that. I’ve always been happy to admit that while I’m not the best PHP programmer in the world, I am competent