Google Analytics announces a redesign

Google Analytics, my favourite (free) web stats package is to undergo a major redesign. Hooray.

This is fantastic news. I love Google Analytics, I think it’s a great piece of arsenal for any website but, I can fully appreciate that for new users it can be massively overwhelming.

There’s a serious lack of blogs out there writing about it so, it’s difficult to send our clients anywhere to read up on Google Analytics. In fact, I often find it my job to talk clients through the process of signing up, logging in and trying to make sense of their stats – it’s a laborious task that I only mildy enjoy.

Here’s hoping the new design (which you can see in this demo video) makes the software more intuitive.

Further reading

One response to “Google Analytics announces a redesign”

  1. Interestingly, they have now added simple to integrate onsite search analytics, which in the case of one employer made a huge difference to conversion success.

    The merits of this ability and the associated metrics will have buyers in companies everywhere : –

    a) Worrying that their previous mehodology is not sound.
    b) Thanking the lord.

    The implications change from business to business but for you switched on guys selling a product to clients and thinking of integrating google analytics, this is an absolute god send and could well be the deal breaker.

    Go forth and let the clients know what there customers want……..