Category archives: Business

Web development tasks never take just 5 minutes

Whilst working at my last agency, I received an excellent piece of advice from the then Lead Developer: “A web development task never takes *just* 5 minutes”.

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Bean counting… or how I manage my freelance business finances

When I first starting freelancing over a year ago, I quickly became dragged down with how much time it would take me to generate quotes/invoices and send them on to clients. Rather, than put up with that situation or pay for a solution I wrote my own.

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How long does a small web project really take?

For each of my freelance projects, I note down all the hours worked (on paper). This includes, phone calls, emails, minor changes, CSS debugging etc.

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What a UK junior web developer should expect to earn

Prior to gaining my first job as a junior web developer, I often wondered how much I could expect to earn. Whilst at university, during 2001-2005, I heard a lot about the average salary for a university graduate being around £18,000 a year (regardless of profession) – whether this was an accurate figure or not,

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A new job, a new era

On Wednesday (31st October 2007) I worked my last day at Ichameleon Ltd and on Monday morning I started a new job for Aspiration Media. Although I enjoyed working for, and with, everyone at Ichameleon, my move to Aspiration marks an important step in my career as a web developer.

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First impressions of freelance web development

For the last 7 months, I’ve been doing the occasional freelance web job as well as my full-time job and it’s been both enjoyable and stressful.

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