Front-end development i.e. creating the XHTML/CSS for websites is my speciality. Yes, I also do PHP, MySQL and JavaScript but my heart lies with XHTML/CSS so much so that I’ve gotten to be quite good at it. Therefore, I thought it would be helpful to document how I typically go about creating the XHTML/CSS for
How to stop yourself from completely fucking-up your website
A junior web developer often has a capability which in other professions is often reserved for exceptionally qualified individuals: the ability to completely fuck-up an entire business. Many businesses are run completely online these days or their online presence is at least a major factor so anything that disrupts a website can be catastrophic. The
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Achieving accessible web design: Part 2 – Accessify your hyperlinks
Last week, I talked about the importance of accessible web design and how to easily make the images on your website more accessible. This week, I’ll be talking about making your hyperlinks more accessible.
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What is accessible web design and how can it be achieved?
The internet as a medium has the potential to be very accessible. Telephones can alienate the deaf/hard-of-hearing, and television can alienate the blind/visually impaired but email and the web are great tools for people of all abilities.
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mezzoblue website redesigns
Dave Shea, creator or CSS Zen Garden, has redesigned his personal website, mezzoblue.
Accessible HTML Form Design Tip: Checkboxes/Radio buttons
Quickly make your check boxes and radio buttons more accessible and usable by adding a label and an id.
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