When creating pages with HTML/CSS I like to make it as speedy as possible for both production and future maintenance. I make this possible with a very simple PHP template system.
Category archives: Web Development
Bouncing back from confidence issues
This time, 3 weeks ago I was suffering from a massive crisis of confidence regarding my web development abilities, but this week the tables have turned and my confidence levels couldn’t be higher. Funny that. I’ve always been happy to admit that while I’m not the best PHP programmer in the world, I am competent
How to stop yourself from completely fucking-up your website
A junior web developer often has a capability which in other professions is often reserved for exceptionally qualified individuals: the ability to completely fuck-up an entire business. Many businesses are run completely online these days or their online presence is at least a major factor so anything that disrupts a website can be catastrophic. The
Continue reading How to stop yourself from completely fucking-up your website>
Creating People friendly URLs using PHP and MYSQL
Let’s face it people, URLs need to be people and search-engine friendly; People need them as navigational aids and search engines love those keyword-laden pieces of loveliness.
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Textpattern as a complete CMS
As part of my uni project, I have been implementing textpattern as a complete Content Management System. Due, to the fact, that when I was doing this I couldn’t find any information about it, I have decided to document how I did it.
.htaccess and .htpasswd
Today I’ve been struggling with .htaccess and .htpasswd in order to password-protect a directory on a site I’ve been working on. I always find that when I Google for help I get sites that kind of help but not 100% so here’s my problem and solution.